Thursday, May 01, 2014

Too Darn Hot!

Well,we are trying to survive this miserable heat. I hope the rest of this summer isn’t like this. 

Speaking of survival, we also somehow survived the field test of the Smarter Balanced tests. Our class was fortunate enough to be able to take these new online assessments in the computer lab where not only did the workstations connect reasonable well to the server, but the students could actually read what was on the screen. The students who had to use the iPads were not so lucky. Another reason why buying iPads for students is a poor idea…. The test itself was not that bad. In many ways, it seemed frankly easier than the old CST test. 

Today was not that exciting a day. We spent a lot of time going over homework and reviewing for the social studies test. We went out to PE early in the morning, but the boys still had the usual number of arguments over the fine points of scoring. The students also read and discussed a chapter in By The Great Horn Spoon!

Probably the most interesting thing we did today was in Science where we started our unit on electricity and magnetism. Today the students checked out a variety of materials to determine what was magnetic and what was not.


We used this data to make some generalizations about magnetism. At first, the students decided that metals were magnetic. But they later decided that this could not be the case because the aluminum and the copper materials were not magnetic. So they came - pretty quickly - to the conclusion that it has to materials made of iron.

Homework:  (1) Write spelling words 16-20 ten times each and do the sentences in cursive as well. (2) Do pages 353, 356, and 357 in the Practice book. (3) Do the chapter 14 study sheet of By the Great Horn Spoon! (4) Do the crossword puzzle in the back of the Social Studies Weekly paper. (5) Do Views of Solids worksheet. This is a little preview from the fifth grade math book. (6) Do the Fraction Review for today. 

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