Friday, October 11, 2013

Improvising Our Day

Today we did most of the usual Friday things. We went to the library. We took spelling, reading, writing, and math tests. But not everything went totally according to schedule. The district arrived today to trim the trees on the playground, so the students had no outdoor activities including recess or PE. So we improvised a bit. Since we had previously read a selection from Because of Winn Dixie in the Treasure anthology, we watched the movie during lunch. That worked out perfectly because it was Rizwan’s birthday and his family brought us pizza and snacks for lunch!

In the afternoon, we added some more items to our aquariums. We put in elodea, duckweed, and pond snails. The students had fun with this!



Homework:  (1) Do the Freshwater Environments questions. (2) Do pages 176-177 in the math book.

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