Wednesday, February 19, 2014


A pretty quiet day. We finished reading “A Walk in the Desert” from Treasures. We started learning about the Gold Rush in history. We learned how to divide irregular geometric shapes to determine their area.

Probably the most fun thing we did today was to start working on the 90th Anniversary Logo Contest. This is something the parents are sponsoring for this spring’s ninetieth anniversary blast. Most of our students are still working on it, but there were a couple good ones among the early finishers.



Homework:  (1) Write spelling words 6-13 ten times each in cursive. Write an original sentence for each word. (2) Do pages 255, 258, and 259 in the Practice book. (3) Do the Gold Rush study sheet. Ignore the cartoon on the last page. That is part of a later assignment. (4) Do Multiplying Decimals 2. (5) Do "Irregular Figures," pages 365-366 in the math book. 

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