Monday, January 13, 2014

Welcome Back

Welcome back, one and all, and have a happy 2014. And let me thank all the families for your generosity to me at Christmas. Thanks to all of you, I have a fantastic new Chromebook. I have been really wanting a zippy little computer for home, just for personal stuff and not for making up homework! You can all breathe easier about that!

We started off today by having students first journal and then share about their vacations. Some people went to cool places, and others had a sort of “stay-cation.” We went on to talk about our newest theme in Treasures, “Working Together.” The students drew pictures of people who are working together in teams to accomplish something.

I am not completely sure what they are doing, but it sure requires teamwork!

We wrote surveys after recess. Tomorrow in Tech Center they will be typing them up. This week they will be asking the questions to everybody they know. Next week in Tech Center they will be putting this data in Excel and making charts. 

We started a new literature book today, The Cay by Theodore Taylor. This is particularly appropriate for African-American history month. 

In math, we started work on rounding decimals and turning fractions into decimals.

Homework:  (1) Write spelling words 1-5 ten times each and a sentence for each word. (2) Do spelling sort. Words should be separated into “drop final e” and “double final consonant” patterns. (3) Do Inflectional endings, PB 192, Vocabulary, PB 193, and Theme, PB 194. (4) Do the history word puzzle and “Mexican California” review sheet. They will need the book for this. (5) Do Fractions to Decimals 1 practice sheet. (6) Do pages 293-294 in the math book. 

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