Wednesday, January 18, 2012


What a chilly day! But we had plenty of work to keep us "warm"!

We worked on narrative in our journals today. The students had to write a story about something "horrifying." One of the girls wrote an incredibly funny story about discovering that Justin Bieber was at the door and planning to stay with them.

After that, we went off to Tech Center. Ms. Richard is starting a PowerPoint project with them. I am still a little mystified by what it is going to look like in the end, but the students were certainly working hard on it.

 After recess, we worked on our mock rocks projects. The students had put out some of the solution to evaporate. Today they examined the remaining crystals using a hand lens and drew them carefully. They speculated about what those crystals might be. Salt? Sugar? Something else?

We started to read "Me and Uncle Romie," the next story in the Treasures reading series. We will finish it tomorrow. We did our usual afternoon art, drama, and physical education mixing. We took our test over Topic 8 in the math series. That will probably be graded tomorrow.

Homework:  (1) Write spelling words 6-13 five times each in cursive. Also in cursive, write one sentence for each of these words. (2) Do the spelling jumble. (3) Do "Adding Sensory Details" and "Compound Words" on pages 179-180 of the Practice Book. (4) Do "Irregular Verbs" on pages 189-190 of the Practice Book. (5) Read pages 182-185 in the Science Resources book and answer the questions on the study sheet. Be sure to use complete sentences. (6) Do "Factors 2" worksheet. 

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