Friday, December 11, 2009

Primary Colors

The last day of conferences went pretty smoothly, and I thank parents again for being so prompt and helpful. The weather was also a little helpful today since we did manage to have a regular recess!

After checking and correcting our homework this morning, we turned our attention to Art. We are starting our unit on color, and we talked about the color wheel. The students then did abstract designs using primary and secondary colors. Some were quite striking!



We continued our work with long division at math time, and that’s the bulk of tonight’s homework.

Homework:  (1) Do pages 61-64 from the Open Court packet. (2) Do “Division,” envision Math, pages 169-170.  (3) Write the fourth paragraph of the I-Search paper. Many, many students did not finish the second source (third paragraph) of the paper last night, so they will have double the work to do.

In an additional effort to keep parents informed about grades, I will be sending our daily emails about homework and other critical grades when they are entered into the gradebook.

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