Tuesday, December 01, 2009


It was a short day and it seemed to rush by so fast!

We started out checking and correcting the homework. Most of the students are coming along nicely with the multiplication, but a few of them could use a little help there. We went on to Open Court where we were faced with a long and pretty boring story. To make it less painful, I read it to the students while they used their post-it notes to practice their strategies.

I then had a meeting with Mrs. Walker and some other folk. I figured that our students should not have to suffer because some adults cannot come to school before eight o’clock, so I insisted that they get to have two recesses while I attended the meeting. You can imagine their joy at that!

After I got back, we turned our attention to prepositions. I showed them the School House Rock video on this:

Then the students wrote sentences with prepositional phrases. We cut the sentences in half and the students traded them with their partners. We then compared who could make the most ridiculous sentence with a mismatched main clause and prepositional phrases.

After lunch, we did math. Today we introduced the normal way of doing two digit multiplication (that’s the “standard algorithm” in case you ever are stuck talking to a math teacher) and most seemed to sort of get the idea. They will need some help with it tonight.

We had reading buddies with room 2 and called it a day.

Homework: (1) Write a short definition – a synonym is OK here – for words 1-10 on the list and then write a short sentence for each. (2) Do the “Food from the Hood” questions. Be sure to answer in complete sentences and use the book! (3) Also, work on the word search but do not spend too much time on it. This should be kind of fun, and it is not essential to find every word. (4) Do “Multiplication,” Envision Math, pages 146-147. Show all work on a separate paper and put the answers on the answer sheet.

Big, big thanks to Abigail’s mom for helping clean the room! Thanks also to Joshua’s mom for doing it a couple times earlier this semester. Your help is so appreciated.

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