Monday, September 14, 2009

“But it went by so fast!”

Ah, the wonders of the classroom routine. Once we establish the rhythm of our daily schedule, one activity follows another like … clockwork … a well-oiled machine – you can pick the metaphor. Today went just about perfectly, and so the time seemed to fly by. At the end of the day one of the girls remarked, “But it went by so fast!” That’s the way a class should be.

We started with some review of cursive letter formation and proper nouns. We shared our weekend activities. We went over Friday’s language arts homework in some detail. We discuss Bubble Maps and the students started on their second composition, “My Character.”

After recess we quickly corrected the math homework. We talked about latitude and longitude – there will be some homework on this tonight – and we read about the four natural regions of California.

After lunch, we had some music. We’re starting right from the beginning developing ideas of beat and meter. To help the students get the feel for this, I had them stand in a circle. They ran in place for 10 seconds and then felt for their heart beats. One student share his pulse rate, and we slowly clapped along with that. From this pulse, we established a basic common time (4/4) meter. On the down beat, the first beat of the measure, the students jumped to show that they felt the beat. We then passed around a hand drum and they each hit the beat on the downbeat.

They then wrote about this in their arts journals.

We went out to PE and did the usual warm ups and stations. I added a soccer activity today since several students mentioned playing soccer over the weekend. Again, the movement from one activity to another was flawless.

During math time we talked about comparing and ordering whole numbers up to the millions. They had little problem with this concept.

I look forward to seeing all parents tomorrow night at 5:00 pm. This is an important meeting, so please make every effort to be here.

Homework:  (1) Look at the spelling list. Determine which words are 1 syllable, 2 syllables, 3 syllables, and 4 syllable. Make  a small chart of each on a separate paper. (2) Do the “Using Latitude and Longitude” and “California’s Natural Regions” study sheets. (3) Finish “Comparing Whole Numbers,” Envision Math, pages 11-13. We started this in class.

A few students may also need to  finish the “My Character” rough draft.

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