Monday, March 23, 2009

After the Gold Rush



The Gold Rush, as Luzena Wilson said in our play, “just sort of petered out” but our production of Gold Dust or Bust was a rousing success! We are going to be reprising our performance next Friday for parents at the Concert in the Park event. Please be here for that show to support your child and our school’s arts program.

Today was pleasant, but it had a “back to reality” feel. We started a new Open Court story called “Nachito’s Teachings” about a boy who survives in the Arizona desert after a plane crash by following the wisdom of the Apache foreman of his ranch. Students were attentive as we read it, but not enthralled. I couldn’t blame them.

We also started a new American Experience film, this one on the Transcontinental Railroad. It’s a good film, but it’s a little slow at first. It’s amazing how current some of the issues are as the politicians fretted over paying for the railroad and the Civil War at the same time. (Words like “infrastructure investment” were not yet current, but that was the issue then, too.)

Homework:  Also back to normal here. Students did have two full 30 minute blocks to get a start on these assignments, so it really should not be that bad. (1) Do the questions and reflections on the story found on page 361 of the Open Court anthology book. (2) Do the “Using Reading Strategies” paper – this is the one with the post-it notes. (3) Do the “Linking East and West” study sheet. We read this chapter in the History book last week. (4) Do the multiplication practice sheet. (5) Do “Change Linear Units,” Math, pages 426-427.

Big, big thanks to Paul Smith for taking video and still photographs Friday, to Helen Kang and  Maite Andonegui for helping with logistics, and a huge thank you to our fabulous costumer Joan Stewart Smith without whose advice and assistance our production could not have happened.


Anonymous said...

And that was my cue! The biggest thank you, of course, goes to Mr. Bassett, who took on multiple roles as the little show's producer, stage director, musical director and piano accompanist.

All this, whilst keeping Room 19 up and running each day. Mere mortals do not usually face such challenges at once. But this teacher managed to do an awesome job! THANK YOU, Mr. Bassett!

greg connors said...

I must say that we were so impressed by the quality of the production. The costumes, music and performances were unbelievable. What a treat to see such an entertaining show from our class. I must admit it taught us a thing or two about the gold rush as well. Just tremendous!!! THANKS TO MR. BASSETT AND ALL THE PARENTS INVOLVED.

Anonymous said...

I must add my two cents as well, having seen both productions, that they were absolutely fabulous! I'd also thank Mr. Pratt for his work with the students and give my thanks also to Joan, Maite and Paul for being involved with the production.
I really appreciate such innovative and fun ways to get material across. We just visited Sacramento and Danielle was able to recognize many of the points of interest and people from the play. Kudos!

Lynn Kersey