Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pleasantly Productive

It was a busy productive day. We began, as usual, with independent reading. We went on to reviewing a bit of the stories we had done in the Surviving unit so far by creating double bubble maps to compare and contrast two of the characters. Here are a couple which compare Karana and Burr.

Students also did short compositions where they imagined going on a trek in a hostile climate – jungle, desert, or mountain wilderness – and had to tell what they would pack in their backpacks to help them survive. I have not had a chance to look at these yet, but I am sure they will be fun.

After recess we checked, corrected, and discuss homework. After lunch, we looked at a video of cast one doing the play. We’ll look at cast two tomorrow.

Homework:  (1) Do the study guide for “Nachito.” (2) Do the “Organizing for Plot” worksheet. (3) Do the “Transcontinental Railroad” and the railroad schedule paper. (4) Do the equivalent fractions and adding fractions worksheet. (5) Do “Capacity,” Math, pages 429-429.

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