Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Boring Can Be Good

It was a really quite pleasant day. We did not do anything particularly fascinating -- read a really boring Open Court story, worked a little more on our writing, corrected our homework, and took a math test -- but the dull days are often the one where real learning takes place. Routine is mostly good with children. We always think that they want and need stimulation, but having things follow an orderly pattern is comforting. That's not to say that we should not occasionally do things that are wild and crazy and fun, but children, no matter what they think or say, really prefer predictability.

Home Studies
: (1) Do "Business is Looking Up" study sheet. (2) Do the Math worksheets on Simplest form and Adding and Subtracting Decimals. (3) Science chapter review, p A98 only. It's a lot tonight, but some nights are just heavy and others are just light depending on how the

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