Wednesday, March 13, 2013

So, So Busy!

These couple weeks before Spring Break are busy…well, frantic might be a better description. There is so much to be done in preparation for not only testing but Open House. Add to that the Walk-a-thon, a field trip, and there’s barely time to breathe.

We started out with our journal writing. Now, I am not sure if I have mentioned this before, but one of the features of our daily writing is that students have to read what they wrote to their classmates once a week.


Today’s prompt was to write a story with this as the opening line: “I heard the howl of the wolf echoing across the valley.” Our students took this in a number of very creative directions. After this we checked, corrected, and discussed our homework. We briefly reviewed the “National Parks” story from Treasures. The students then started on the rough drafts of some folk tales that they will be getting ready for Open House.

After recess, the students went to Mr. Pratt for history. After lunch, we read another chapter of By the Great Horn Spoon! In math, we are examining the area of irregular figures (mostly L-shaped).

Homework:  (1) Write spelling words 11-15 five times each in cursive. Write a sentence for each, also in cursive. Do the spelling crossword puzzle. (2) Do “Writing Frame” page 283 and “Latin Roots” page 284 in the Practice book. (3) Do By the Great Horn Spoon! chapter 10 study sheet. (4) Do “Area of Irregular Figures” pages 365-366 in the math book and “Applause” on the back of the answer sheet.

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