Friday, October 03, 2008

No Freaky Friday Here

It was a pretty ordinary, yet productive Friday. We began with Independent Work Time. Here we finished up some pages from the Reading Writing Workbooks and had some time for independent reading. We then went to the library. Mrs Koneff continued instructing the students in that all-time favorite topic of librarians, the Dewey Decimal System. Returning to the classroom, we took a spelling test, a reading quiz, and a reading skills quiz. Results will be on the gradebook soon.

After recess we check and discussed homework. I taught the students a Native California acorn grinding song. They thought it was weird, but that will pass after we practice it more and add percussion and hand gestures. We started to read about north and central coast Indians. Students will need to finish this as homework, however.

After lunch, we read and discussed another chapter of Island of the Blue Dolphins. We did some followup on the music activity for Mr. Lawton, and I introduced the students to transitional rhythmic notation and the Kodaly rhythm syllables. More on that next week. We went to PE. When we returned to class, we did the second lesson in the Hands-On Equations program. This went well, and I look forward to doing this every week or two. It really does build good mathematical thinking.

The very end of the day was a bit hectic as some of the students took off for the LACMA trip. But that will be a fantastic opportunity for them. Thanks Ms. Nunez for arranging this!

Homework: (1) Finish reading the section "The Coast" in the hardcover California book. Then do the study guide questions and an "Indian Legend." Both of these are handouts. (2) Do review pages 78-79 in the Math book. These also teach some useful facts about California! (3) Also do "Median and Mode", pages 86-87 in the hardcover Math book. We did not have a chance to discuss this until the very end of the day, so those people who went to LACMA need to read page 86 carefully.

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