Monday, October 21, 2013

Back to Reality

We had a pleasant day in room 19. It seemed a little pedestrian after those two field trips, but it was definitely productive. Our big event for the day was music class where Ms. Moran continued to work with the students on solfege, canonic form, and proper vocal technique. As usual, the students had a lot of fun learning all of this!


Other than that, we started a new story in Treasures, reviewed for and took math tests, and started work on fractions.

Homework:  (1) Write spelling words 1-5 ten times each in cursive and write an original sentence for each one. (2) Do pages 107-108 in the Practice book. (3) Do “Critical Thinking,” page 195 and “Standards Practice,” page 197 in the Practice book. (4) Do the Longer Division 1 practice sheet. (5) Do pages 225-226 in the math book.

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