Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Whizzing Along!

Tuesdays just whizz along! We started the day in Tech Center where we finished up working on some of our Microsoft Word skills and where the students signed up for Prezi accounts. We’ll be creating prezis based on our history text in the next month.

We returned to the room and we read and discussed The Astronaut and the Onion, a charming little story that is apparently loosely based on Mae Jemison.

After recess, we went to theater class. Mr. Pratt had the students work on their pantomime skills some more, and they created “machines” based on fairly tales. This is a Goldilocks and the Tree Bears machines.


Right after theater class, Ian’s parents hosted a wonderful pizza lunch in honor of his birthday.


After lunch, we did math. We then went to room 2, Mr. Ricker’s class, where we had our first session of reading buddies.


Homework:  (1) Write spelling words 6-10 ten times each. Write a sentence for each word. (2) Do spelling jumble. (3) Do Three Times One 2 practice sheet. (4) Do pages 74-75 in the math book.

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