Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Today was a little off schedule, as tomorrow will be, too. First of all, we did not go to Tech Center today as we switched, for a variety of reasons, with room 7. We will go tomorrow. Then, I had to take part in interviews for the new library aide. So the students had the opportunity to go to both recesses, and our PE was pushed ahead to 11:00 from the usual time. The two classes switched after lunch instead of after recess. That's a lot of changes for the students to have a day!

Despite this, we were productive. We checked homework, of course. We took our math test, though we have not yet had a chance to correct it. I worked with the students on their project for Mr. Lawton, trying to take it a bit more step-by-step for those who were confused. Finally, I ended the day by reading the next chapter of By the Great Horn Spoon! to them.

Homework:  (1) Write spelling words 11-15 ten times each in cursive. Also write a sentence for each one. The words are obliged, exasperated, ambled, lunatic, and jostling. (2) Do the Great Horn Spoon study sheet for chapter 9. (3) Do the "Adding and Subtracting Fractions" and "Division" review sheets.

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