Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Out and About

Today we were outside of our classroom more than we were in it! But that was fun for the students and a nice break for the teacher, too.

We started out in the room, of course. Following our new pattern, the students read their library books quietly while I checked to see if their homework was done. I am happy to say that our students are turning into champion homework completers! After reading for about 20 minutes, they then took some time to write about what they read in their reading journals. This is a great exercise for developing reading comprehension, and it will also allow me to respond to the students and guide their freely-chosen books. We then corrected our "Sarah" crosswords and I collected various papers.

As I said yesterday, we have been focusing on the strategy of "Making Connections" as we have been reading "Sarah, Plain and Tall." We finished that story today, and just like yesterday, the students, as they read through the story, recorded their connections on post-it notes. They then took these and placed them on a T-chart.

We went to Tech Center where the students started the process of setting up their LAUSD email accounts. This is important because it will allow them to use Google Docs for Education where they can work independently and collaboratively at school or at home on compositions and other assignments.

After recess, we went over to the auditorium where Mr. Mason gave a demonstration of various musical instruments and discussed the orchestra program. 

During PE today - it was cool enough finally for us to go out - I worked with students from all classes on jumping skills while Mr. Pratt worked on cooperation and team building activities. Mrs. Caruso concentrated on jump rope, a fun way to develop aerobic fitness. In math, we had an easy lesson today on adding whole numbers.

Homework:  (1) Do sentences for spelling words 1-10. (2) Do the "Sarah" study questions. (3) Do the "H" cursive. (4) Do "Adding Whole Numbers," envision Math, pages 37-39, ODD ONLY. Students should put answers on the answer sheet but also do all work on a separate sheet of paper which they will bring in with homework tomorrow.

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