Every 6 weeks or so we come to the end of a unit in Open Court Reading. There are a number of things that happen about this time. The most important is that the students take a test which the Sacramento County Office of Education developed. It's not perfect, but it does help give a sense of where the students reading and writing skills are at a moment in time, and it gives a sense of what skills they have mastered in the course of the unit, and what skills still need more work. Much of our work this week will be either taking this test or reviewing for it. Two of the homework assignments tonight help the students review for the test.
The other significant assessment is the conclusion of the writing project connected with the unit. The students were required this time to write a fantasy story. We spent a lot of time discussing the structure of stories and the elements which make a story a fantasy (instead of realistic or historical fiction). Students wrote rough drafts, and then they worked in small groups to assess and revise their work. After completing revisions - second rough drafts in this case - today they worked again in small groups doing peer editing. Tonight they will start to complete their final drafts. These are not due until Wednesday.
Final drafts need to be in cursive. I know that more than a few tears flow whenever I require cursive, but the ability to read and write cursive is a state standard. And whenever I receive any paper perfectly typed I really wonder who did it. I know it's hard to believe, but children do manipulate their parents to do an awful lot of work for them. And the parents aren't the ones in fourth grade. At least I hope not!
Tomorrow is Back-to-School Breakfast. I have nothing special planned, but will obviously be available to talk to any parents who would like to stop by. You can also sign up for conferences in December at this time if you wish.
Homework: (1) Do the Vocabulary crossword. There are clues provided already, and the word bank is on the back of the Spelling jumble. (2) Do the spelling jumble. The words are at the bottom here. (3) Do the Review questions on the bottom of page A79 in the Harcourt Science textbook.
Also, finish the ecosystem energy flow map (we had a lot of time to start this in class). You can see a good example of this assignment above. Also, continue, if time permits, with the final draft of the composition. Again, this will not be due until Wednesday.
1 comment:
There's an interesting article on Macworld entitled "Has the keyboard killed handwriting?" which ties in with your comments about cursive. Not sure if your blog allows web links but here it is:
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