Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Good and Bad

A mixed bag of a day. The morning went wonderfully smoothly with reading and other language arts activities. I was a little disappointed though that quite a number of students had not finished the homework, particularly the food web, and many had to stay in during recess to finish it.

Tech Center did not go as smoothly as I would have liked. Mr. Abrams insists that all students must have the Internet use permission slip signed before they use the computers, and only a little more than half of our students had brought this in. The students who had signed sheets worked on Type to Learn, one of those programs designed to teach touch typing. The rest talked and drew pictures.... I hope everybody had a slip next week.

After lunch we checked and discussed the math, a good thing because there were quite a few misconceptions about the decimals. Children automatically assume that 0.61 has to be greater than 0.8 because 61 is bigger than 8. Lining numbers up by the decimal point to compare the place value comes naturally only after a lot of practice.

We had a number of students leave for orchestra after this, and a couple were dealing with Mr. Wilson about some their behavior during Tech Center. So with only about half of the class, we had a nice sockball game. We then came back and I finished reading Frindle.

Home Studies
: Read "The Spider Woman," pp 8-12 in Storyworks. Write paragraph as directed on page 13.. Math, pages 372-375, #2-33, 35-37, 40-42.

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