Monday, November 21, 2005

Fast Start on a Short Week

This is, as you all know, as short week. We're working hard to make it really productive, though.

Today we continued our City Wildlife theme by reading Robert McCloskey's classic story "Make Way for Ducklings." We also discussed the difference between the long oo sound and the long u sound and practiced those in Blending and Dictation times. In Tech Center we continued working on our City Wildlife HyperStudio stacks. The students are finally starting to really get a feel for this program. In the afternoon, we listened to a bit of A Cricket in Times Square, our City Wildlife read-aloud book, and we did the third lesson in the Hands-on Equations program.

Spencer's mom has posted a signup for a Thanksgiving potluck on the door. Please let us know, as soon as you can, what your family can contribute for this. If you can't come by to sign up, have your child do it for you.

Homework: (1) Do the "Make Way for Ducklings" study questions. (2) "Find a Rule" Math pages 168-169, all problems.

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