Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Free Reading

I have been just delighted by the amount of independent reading that out students have been doing lately. If you haven't had a chance to check lately, you may find that your son or daughter is literally "off the chart." This means that they have done close to 1000 pages of free reading since December. It is particularly heartening that much of this reading has been good quality children's literature. All the best research in the field of reading instruction shows that once students have mastered basic phonics and learned some simple sight words, nothing improves reading fluency, textual comprehension, and vocabulary development like free independent self-selected reading. Way to go, room 19!

(1) Finish the second draft of the dialogue between two characters. Remember, the content here is less important that the correct use of quotation marks and other punctuation. (2) Finish pages WB54, WB 55, and WB 58 in the science packet. (3) Begin work on the math packet. It will be due a week from tomorrow. (4) Practice telling your fairy or folk tale.

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