Tuesday, May 15, 2012


A nice day, but almost a complete repeat of yesterday! We just had a different chapter in The Cay and a different math lesson. Well, I guess it’s the season for reruns on TV, too!

Homework:  (1) Write spelling words 6 to 10 five times each in cursive. Write one sentence for each as well. (2) Do “Classifying Words” worksheets. (3) Do “Interpreting Graphs” pages 384-385 in the math book. Also do “Graphing True of False” on the back of the answer sheet. (4) Do the “Multiplication” and “Fractions” study sheets.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Back in the Saddle

CST tests are over and we start back to a more regular schedule. We’re practicing the play quite a bit, of course. But we’re also starting on a new book, Theodore Taylor’s The Cay, and we’re learning about making and conducting surveys.

Homework:  (1) Write spelling words 1 to 5 five times each in cursive. Write one sentence for each as well. (2) Do “Making Compounds”, “Short Vowels” and “Long Vowels” worksheets. (3) Do “Data from Surveys” pages 383-383 in the math book. Also do “State Predictions” on the back of the answer sheet. (4) Do the “Multiplication” and “Fractions” study sheets.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Field Trip Pix

I seem to have had a blog brain freeze in the last couple weeks. I guess it’s the play and having my mind preoccupied with some other stuff.

Here are a couple pictures from our field trip to the IMAX theater and the California Science Center. They loved the 3-D movie, particularly the glasses!


The hurricane simulator was a big hit.


Here are a few from the Autry Museum. The gold panning was definitely the best part.



Eureka! We found … pyrite! Sigh, I guess you don’t get real gold for a 1 dollar admission.


Homework:  (1) Do “Edison Sees the Light” and “Will it Light?” questions. (2) Do pages 460-463 in the math book. (3) Do the last By the Great Horn Spoon! study guide.