Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Advanced Work

Quite a productive day! We did all the usual things at the beginning of the day. After recess, the students began writing a five-paragraph essay. I didn’t do this until eleventh grade, and didn’t get good at it until college. How much more advanced our room 19 scholars are than their teacher was! We are doing this by observing the changes in Charlotte Doyle’s personality over the course of the novel. This is also challenging the students to support their assertions with evidence from the text - a key skill in the Common Core State Standards.

Fifth graders are researching a colony they chose yesterday. All the tech resources that have become available to us recently are certainly helpful here.

Fourth graders worked on their history test, and also started on a travel poster for their mission. We will be finishing this before Spring Break. I know we’ve talked about it for a while. 

Homework:  (1) Write spelling words twice in cursive. Write sentences for words 11-15. (2) Do the spelling crossword puzzle. (3) If necessary, finish the three body paragraphs of the essay on Charlotte Doyle. Most students did this in class. (4) Do “Area of Triangles.” (5) Do “Transformations and Congruence” and “Translations in Space”. (6) Do Fractions to Decimals 3. 

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